Living the Premium Lifestyle

Vision Quest

Tilly Sofia Jenski has no trouble staying motivated: She just has to look on the wall.

Many people who use vision boards to visualize their goals post images of a sporty new car they’d like to buy or an exotic vacation they dream of taking one day.

Tilly Sofia Jenski’s vision board is a little bit different: It features exquisitely bred horses, a backyard training arena and the fanciest horse trailer she could find.

“These are the things I coveted when I began my business four years ago,” says Jenski, A competitive barrel racer who made the switch from pharmaceutical sales to Le-Vel Promoter in 2014. Jenski initially tried the THRIVE Experience to gain more energy (“I was on a terrible cycle of downing six cups of coffee a day!” she says), and she became A Promoter when she realized the product was so great that she wanted to share it with others.

“I like to pay it forward by coaching others. I tell people, ‘If you hang out with me long enough, I’ll have you believing that you can do anything.’”

Four years after the move, Jenski says she’s going to have to update her vision board: She now owns four well-bred horses, a pony, a horse trailer with living quarters and her own backyard arena where she can train for her next race. She’s also been able to check off a few other items from her board, which she hangs on her office wall: Most meaningful is a fishing boat she purchased for her dad, a Polish immigrant who has always dreamed of spending his retirement fishing.  

Jenski, who is now A top Promoter, chalks up her success to the fact that she focuses on her board every single day, without fail. “To be successful in any business, you’ve got to find your ‘why,’ ” says Jenski, who coaches other Promoters to help them achieve the level of success she’s had. Her first question to those with whom she works: What is your biggest passion?

“You absolutely have to answer that question before you can be successful in anything,” she says.

In Jenski’s case, her newborn daughter and her horses were her “why,” so once she created a vision board featuring those passions, she was able to stay motivated.

While Jenski says she has achieved about 80 percent of the items that originally were on her vision board when she became a Promoter, she quickly is adding new sources of inspiration. Recently, she tacked up some photos of an area in Montana that she loves. She’d like to be able to buy land there and build her own cabin. She has no doubt that, if she keeps focusing on her “why,” that will come, too. “If you’re really hungry for something and stay focused, you can accomplish it,” she says.

The success shown in these profiles is not typical of the success, if any, a Le-Vel Brand Promoter can or will have.
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